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Despite good tolerance of amoxil drug there are a few restrictions during that your therapeutic activity of Vardenafil could become worse. The exemplory case of such restrictions is contraindications for the utilization of Levitra.
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Alef Bet Adventure  
Alef Bet Adventure
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An educational breakthrough!

This is the best program available for teaching Hebrew reading to children! Developed in conjunction with leading educators, Alef-Bet Adventure presents a full year's curriculum in Hebrew reading and teaches identification of letters and vowels, reading and basic vocabulary.

It is very user-friendly and flexible--the program even includes a practice page for reading practice of any combination of letters and vowels, and you can print any page from the entire program! The colorful, 3-D graphics, captivating sound and superb animation will attract and engage youngsters. Yet, behind the flexibility and fun, the program teaches reading in a very organized and systematic way.

Windows/Mac | CD

Requirements: PC with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, 64MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, sound card, Pentium 233 or faster or Macintosh (233 or faster) with System 8.5 or higher, CD-ROM drive.


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