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Aharon's Jewish Books and Judaica
600 South Holly Street Suite 103
Denver, Colorado 80246
303-322-7345 800-830-8660

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Jewish Software  --> Davka Software --> Jewish Graphics
  DavkaGraphics CD Collection V

An all-new collection of Judaica graphics!
  DavkaGraphics Deluxe CD Collection II

Over 900 graphics, featuring Hebrew names, Hebrew alphabet graphics, Pirkei Avot graphics and Jewish Sports graphics.
  DavkaGraphics Deluxe CD Collection III

Over 350 graphics that cover the gamut of Jewish life and events--celebrations, holidays, school, family and fun.
  DavkaGraphics Internet Collection

Provides a full complement of Judaic images, specially designed for the Web, including horizontal rules, animations, bullets and headlines--all with a Jewish orientation.
  DavkaGraphics Deluxe CD Collection IV

Crafted by an international team of talented artists, almost 400 beautiful graphics cover the gamut of Jewish life and events, holidays, symbols, people, school and synagogue.
  DavkaGraphics Israel Clip Art

Jam-packed with 2,500 pieces of marvelous clip art--all of the images of Israel that you so fondly recall.
  DavkaGraphics Special Edition CD

Davka's greatest graphic hits, plus 125 all-new images!
  DavkaGraphics Photo CD: IsraelDavkaGraphics Photo CD: Israel

Features 200 sparkling, full-color images of the best-known sites of the Holy Land.


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